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Councillor Kelly's 2023 Canada Day Statement

I would like to wish all residents of West Carleton-March a very happy Canada Day.

On this day we celebrate our great country and take time to appreciate all that we have, and the many things we have accomplished as a nation and as a community. While there are challenges before us, the evening news is a constant reminder that we are lucky to live in such an amazing place. And despite those challenges Canada remains one of the best places in the world to live.

Our small community of West Carleton-March is a perfect example of the Canadian spirit. Our history is Canadian history, as many of our communities emerged before Confederation and stand to this day. I am so proud to live in a community where Canadian history is on full display and look forward to helping preserve that for the future.

We have emerged from the COVID-19 pandemic a stronger community and it has been such a pleasure to see the return of important programming and events at our community centers, churches, legions, and other important community hubs throughout Ward 5. Seeing both the dedication from volunteers in making these events happen, as well as the many participants who have come out has been heartwarming and encouraging.

The recent flooding experienced by several of our communities has given me another reason to be grateful to live in such a wonderful place. Seeing people working hours on end filling sandbags, building walls, and providing food and financial donations to the operation was amazing and demonstrated what I love about living here. How we respond to and help each other through difficult moments says a lot about a community. This spring was yet another example of our dedication to one another as fellow humans and community members.

I am so grateful to be from West Carleton-March and my first seven months as your Councillor have been filled with amazing moments and many reminders of why I decided to put my name forward to be your representative.

I hope that you have the opportunity to celebrate our great country and community with friends and family over the course of the long weekend and I wish everyone from West Carleton-March a happy Canada Day and a wonderful summer.

Kind regards,

Clarke Kelly

Councillor | City of Ottawa

Ward 5 | West Carleton-March

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