Council is scheduled to approve the 2023 budget on March 1st. But first, we want your input. Our office will be hosting an in-person, public consultation for Ward 5 residents on February 7th at 7pm at the West Carleton Client Service Centre, 5670 Carp Road in Kinburn. If you plan to attend, please RSVP with an email to
Everything you need to know about the City's 2023 draft budget is right here.
This pdf file below summarizes the 2023 Draft Budget for Ward 5:
Please note we will also be having a Vacant Unit Tax information session as part of this meeting.
A recording of the meeting will later be made available on our office’s You Tube channel.
Have your say on the 2023 City of Ottawa Draft Budget!
And if you cannot attend, there are alternative ways to share your views:
Complete a survey on Engage Ottawa.
Submit your ideas directly by email to
Call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401). Rural residents call 613-580-2400
Everything you need to know about the City's 2023 draft budget is right here.